Tacos relies on a number of outside libraries to provide it's functionality, all of them are automatically downloaded and installed when compiling from source.
A good majority of these libraries aren't used directly by tacos but are dependencies of other libraries that tacos uses.
Library Name | Version | Comments |
Dojo | 0.3.1 | included with demo and library |
Tapestry | 4.0.2 | |
tapestry-contrib | 4.0.2 | |
hivemind | 1.1.1 | |
hivemind-lib | 1.1.1 | |
commons-lang | 2.1 | |
commons-logging | 1.0.4 | |
commons-collections | 3.0 | |
commons-beanutils | 1.7.0 | |
commons-codec | 1.3 | |
commons-digester | 1.5 | |
commons-fileupload | 1.1 | |
oro | 2.0.8 | |
javassist | 3.0 | |
ognl | 2.6.7 | |
bsf | 2.3.0 | |
servletapi | 2.3 | Provided by the servlet container |
log4j | 1.2.9 | Needed to run the demo |
easymock | 1.1 | Needed to run the tests |
easymockclassextension | 1.1 | Needed to run the tests |
testng | 4.7 | Needed to run the tests |
dom4j | 1.6.1 | |
junit | 3.8.1 | Needed to run the tests |
jaxen | 1.1-beta-6 | |
xercesImpl | 2.6.2 | |
xml-apis | 2.0.2 |