
  Non-Visual Component
Attach a javascript handler to a given event of a given component which will call a given listener. After that, the page will render and the specified parts of it will be updated.
nametypedirectionrequireddefault valuedescription
listenerjava.lang.Objectcustom   Call this listener. 
eventSourcejava.lang.Objectcustom   Attach the javascript to the form field generated by this form component. 
eventjava.lang.Objectcustom   Attach the javascript to this event (eg. onkeyup). 
refreshPartsjava.lang.Objectcustom   Part IDs to refresh after processing listener (single String or collection of Strings). 
jsArgsjava.lang.Objectcustom  null One or more javascript expressions that will be passed as arguments to the listener as service parameters. If you have a TextField whose jwcid is foo, you can pass its value to the listener by specifying $foo.value. If you have more than one expressions, put them into a collection.  
asyncjava.lang.Objectcustom  true Send the XMLHttpRequest asynchronously? In most cases it should be true, but when performing automated testing, you should set it to false.  
Allow body (removed)
Allow informal parameters   
Reserved parameters   -
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