
  Non-Visual Component
Used in conjunction with ProgressWorker to dynamically render the status and progress of a server invoked thread. This component does not work without javascript. Most of the html for this component is rendered using floating divs and a set of classes. There is a ProgressBar.css file included in the distribution that provides a good set of default values already.
nametypedirectionrequireddefault valuedescription
reloadsecondsjava.lang.Objectcustom  3The number of seconds the client-side javascript will wait before refreshing the component 
truncateLengthjava.lang.Objectcustom  38This is the maximum number of characters the managed ProgressWorker's statusString value can contain before the component truncates the value by appending ... to the end of the string. 
workerjava.lang.Objectcustom The ProgressWorker that this component is displaying the status of. 
elementjava.lang.Objectcustom  'div'The html element to wrap the body with, default is div. 
onCompleteObjectjava.lang.Objectcustom  nullIf provided, the javascript object with the specified name will be invoked with a method name of progressFinished(elementId). Ie progressComplete.progressFinished(elementId) 
Allow body (rendered)
Allow informal parameters   
Reserved parameters   -
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