


Creates any dojo widget. Widget parameters can be specified as informal parameters and are treated as Strings. To override this behavior, suffix the parameter names with 'AsInt' or 'AsBoolean'. This component doesn't generate dojo.require statements (though this might eventually change). So, according to the dojo profile you're using and the widget you want to use, you may have to add those statements manually.


nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
dojoTypejava.lang.StringThe dojo type, i.e. Clock, YahooMap, GoogleMap, Button, FloatingPane, e.t.c.
listenerobjectSpecifies an object that is notified when the widget is clicked, which is typically a listener method of its container.
parametersobjectAn object, or list of objects, encoded into the URL as listener parameters
noAsyncjava.lang.StringNames of the widget events no to create an async request for as a comma separated list of event names e.g. "onClick,onValueChanged"
isContainerbooleanfalseIf this widget will contain others (or actually any other dynamic content). When left unspecified, several heuristics are used to determine the appropriate value, i.e. the dojoType parameter ends with 'Container', e.t.c.
neverDestroybooleanfalseSet to true in order to never allow this to be destroyed (and then recreated) after an ajax response.

Allow body: ( rendered )

Allow informal parameters:

Reserved parameters: -