name | type | required | default value | description |
value | object | Outgoing binding to current value. | ||
closeIcon | object | asset:close | If specified, overrides the default close node - icon used on tree. | |
linkListener | org.apache.tapestry.IActionListener | Specifies the listener to invoke during the execution of contentExpansion method. This enables other components to cause the tree to collapse/expand nodes on the tree AND invoke their listeners. It's basically a work around for being able to specify multiple listeners on a link. | ||
offset | int | 16 | Offset in pixels for depth-indentation. | |
async | boolean | ognl:true | Allows specifying whether or not the +/- links on a node are invoked via ajax or normal http requests. Default is ajax. | |
offsetAttribute | object | literal:margin-left | How to generate the offset for depth indentation. | |
loadElement | java.lang.String | If delayedLoad=true, this element will be placed relatively in the center of the tree's content area during delayed loads instead of the default "Loading.." text. | ||
keyProvider | net.sf.tacos.model.IKeyProvider | ognl:identityKeyProvider | Converter from elements to keys. Optional, by default IdentityKeyProvider is used. | |
delayedLoad | boolean | ognl:false | Can only be used if javascript/ajax is enabled in your browser environment, if specified the trees contents won't be displayed when being loaded by a window, but will instead be replaced with a default "Loading.." text element (replaceable by using the loadElement parameter) while an additional ajax request is made after the window.onload event is fired to get the trees contents. | |
contentProvider | net.sf.tacos.model.ITreeContentProvider | Provides elements for tree to display. | ||
state | java.util.Set | defaultState | Set of currently open element keys. Optional, by default an empty persistent HashSet is created. | |
nodeLinkAjax | boolean | ognl:true | Allows specifying whether or not the +/- links on a node are invoked via ajax or normal http requests. Default is ajax. | |
rowStyle | org.apache.tapestry.bean.EvenOdd | If provided the individual rows of the tree will alternate styles using the provided EvenOdd beans even and odd css classes. | ||
converter | object | Provides ability to specify a tapestry IPrimaryKeyConverter to the tree. | ||
partialBlockClass | java.lang.String | Optional, if specified the surrounding div block on each category or node will have its class attribute set to this value | ||
sorter | java.util.Comparator | null | Optional comparator to order the displayed elements by. | |
rowStyleInOuterDiv | boolean | ognl:false | Apply even and odd css classes to the outer div. | |
openIcon | object | asset:open | If specified, overrides the default open node + icon used on tree. |
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