sourceforge > tacos


Used in conjunction with ProgressWorker to dynamically render the status and progress of a server invoked thread. This component does not work without javascript. Most of the html for this component is rendered using floating divs and a set of classes. There is a ProgressBar.css file included in the distribution that provides a good set of default values already.

The Prototype javascript library is used by this component to do Periodical refresh requests of the ProgressBar component.

See also: PeriodicalExecutor (prototype) , Live Demo


Name Type Direction Required Default Description
reloadseconds String in no 3 The number of seconds the client-side javascript will wait before refreshing the component.
truncateLength String in no 38 This is the maximum number of characters the managed ProgressWorker's statusString value can contain before the component truncates the value by appending "..." to the end of the string.
worker ProgressWorker in yes   The ProgressWorker that this component is displaying the status of.
element String in no div The html element to wrap the body with, default is div.
onCompleteObject String in no   If provided, the javascript object with the specified name will be invoked with a method name of progressFinished(elementId). Ie progressComplete.progressFinished(elementId)

Body: rendered

Informal parameters: allowed

Reserved parameters:


This example increments a simple counter on the server

HTML template

<!-- Task Progress invoker -->
<span jwcid="@Any" id="linkPart" >
<span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:!importing" >
  <div class="progressStart">
      <a jwcid="progressLink" >Start</a>
<span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:importing" >
  <div class="progressStart">
      <a jwcid="progressCancel" >Cancel</a>
<!-- End Task Progress invoker -->

<!-- Task progress -->
<span jwcid="progress" />
<!-- End Task progress -->

<script type="text/javascript">

  var linkString =
  "<span jwcid="@Insert" raw="true" value="ognl:components.progress.linkString" />";
  var startObject = new Object();
  startObject.responseComplete = function(responseElements) {
      if (!document.progAnim) {
          var progNode = document.getElementById("progress");
          dojo.fx.html.fadeShow(progNode, 1000);
          document.progAnim = new dojo.animation.Animation(
                  new dojo.math.curves.Line([1],[20]),
                  2000, //2 second pauses
                  0, //no acceleration
                  -1 //repeat forever
          dojo.event.connect(document.progAnim, "onAnimate", function(e) {
                  tacos.defaultLinkAction({url: linkString,
                          processScripts:true, useSync: true});

  var cancelObject = new Object();
  cancelObject.ajaxUpdate = function(ajaxElement, responseElement, elementId) {
      if (document.progAnim) {
          document.progAnim = null;
          var progNode = document.getElementById("progress");
          dojo.fx.html.fadeHide(progNode, 1000);
          <span jwcid="@tacos:Refresh" updateComponents="ognl:{'linkPart'}" />

  var progressComplete = new Object();
  progressComplete.progressFinished = function(elementId) {
      if (document.progAnim) {
          document.progAnim = null;
          var progNode = document.getElementById("progress");
          dojo.fx.html.fadeHide(progNode, 1000);
          <span jwcid="@tacos:Refresh" updateComponents="ognl:{'linkPart'}" />

Page specification

<page-specification class="net.sf.tacos.demo.pages.ajax.ProgressBarExample">

<description>Partial ProgressBar example</description>

<property name="progressWorker" persist="session" />
<property name="startTime" persist="session" />

  <component id="progressLink" type="tacos:AjaxDirectLink">
  <binding name="listener" value="listener:startTask"/>
  <binding name="updateComponents" value="ognl:{'linkPart'}"/>
  <binding name="updateObject" value="literal:startObject" />

  <component id="progressCancel" type="tacos:AjaxDirectLink">
  <binding name="listener" value="ognl:components.progress.listeners.cancelTask"/>
  <binding name="updateComponents" value="ognl:{'linkPart'}"/>
  <binding name="updateObject" value="literal:cancelObject" />

<component id="progress" type="tacos:ProgressBar">
      <binding name="reloadseconds" value="1" />
      <binding name="worker" value="ognl:progressWorker" />
      <binding name="id" value="literal:progress" />
      <binding name="onCompleteObject" value="literal:progressComplete" />


Java sources

public abstract class ProgressCounter extends BasePage
  implements IDirect {

  /** Logger */
  private static final Log log =

  /** Injected ajax engine */
  public abstract AjaxDirectService getAjaxEngineService();
  /** Worker doing import */
  public abstract ProgressWorkThread getProgressWorker();
  /** sets worker doing import */
  public abstract void setProgressWorker(ProgressWorkThread worker);
  /** Set time - in milliseconds - that worker started */
  public abstract void setStartTime(long time);
  /** Gets start time */
  public abstract long getStartTime();

   * @return True if currently importing a casebase file.
  public boolean isImporting()
      return getProgressWorker() != null && !getProgressWorker().isComplete();

   * Calculates amount of time left, in minutes, for task.
   * @return
  public String getEstimatedTimeLeft()
      if (getProgressWorker() == null)
          return "0 min";

      //Get values so they don't change on us
      double currentProgress = getProgressWorker().getCurrentProgress();
      double totalProgress = getProgressWorker().getTotalProgress();

      double avgDuration =
          (System.currentTimeMillis() - getStartTime()) / currentProgress;
      double remainingDuration =
          (totalProgress - getProgressWorker()
          .getCurrentProgress()) * avgDuration;
      return DurationFormatUtils

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void trigger(IRequestCycle cycle)


   * Starts the progress task.
   * @param cycle
   * @throws Exception
  public void startTask(IRequestCycle cycle)
  throws Exception
      if (isImporting())


      //Start task
      ProgressWorkThread worker = new ProgressWorkThread();
public class ProgressWorkThread extends Thread
  implements ProgressWorker, Serializable {

/** serialuid */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4915291816082490796L;
/** logger */
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ProgressWorkThread.class);

/** Total progress we are working on */
private static final double TOTAL = 100;

/** Current progress */
private double progress = 0;

/* Flag for if we are running or not */
private boolean running = true;

/** Default constructor */
public ProgressWorkThread()

 * {@inheritDoc}
public double getTotalProgress() {
    return TOTAL;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public double getCurrentProgress() {
    return progress;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public String getCurrentStatus() {
    return "Processing count of " + progress;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isComplete() {
    return !running;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void cancelTask() {
    if (!running)

    progress = TOTAL;
    running = false;
    try { this.interrupt(); } catch (Exception et) { }

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void run() {
    while (progress < TOTAL) {
        log.debug("progressWorker() " + progress);
        progress += 1;
        try { sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { }
    running = false;