sourceforge > tacos


Derivative of tapestry contrib:Table wrapped with ajax/dhtml effects.

The inherited parameters of contrib:Table are purposefuly left out, for a list of those paramters consult the documentation for contrib:Table

See also: contrib:Table , Live Demo


Name Type Direction Required Default Description
updateComponents List (or comma-delimited String) in no   List of component id strings to refresh after the table state is changed.
effects String in no   Specifies a list of effects to be applied to the returned response. Read the Effects-Popups page of the UserGuide for more details.
preEffects String in no   Specifies effects that should be performed on parts before triggering the ajax request. Read the Effects-Popups page of the UserGuide for more details.
statusElement String in no   If specified, the html element on your page with a matching id to this parameter will be temporarily displayed for a few seconds with status text set on the AjaxWebRequest via addStatusResponse(String).
updateObject String in no   If specified, the string passed in will be used to build a javascript statement which will call updateObject.ajaxUpdate(element, responseElement, elementId) / updateObject.beforeAjaxUpdate(responseElements) / updateObject.responseComplete(responseElements)

Body: removed

Informal parameters: allowed

Reserved parameters: none


This example displays an ajax-enabled table. Sorting and moving to next pages is done without page-refreshes.

HTML template

      <table jwcid="table@tacos:Table"
             effects="template:{highlight:{any:'[255,255,184], 500, 500'}}"